According to a report by TheWrap, Don Lemon has received $24.5 million in a settlement with CNN. This comes nearly…
Black pilots remain a rarity for airlines in North America. According to the Federal Aviation Association Black pilots represent less…
When considering the journey of tech founders, Sevetri Wilson's stands out as because of the emotional odds she had to…
As a teenager, Wayne-Kent Bradshaw's mother left him in Jamaica to find work in Los Angeles where employment opportunities are…
Farrah "Cocoa" Brown experienced a tragic fire that destroyed her home in Fayetteville, GA, where she resides with her young…
America is the land of dreams - for people seeking opportunities and those who benefit from their ingenuity. But these…
Ranging from groceries, technology, and drugs to fashion and beauty supplies, the retail industry is interlinked with our daily lives.…
It is impossible to talk about the development of the American South, without mentioning the contributions made by Black labor…
When Tim and Kim Lewis took their haircare company CurlMix to Shark Tank, it was undervalued. The startup had a…
In 2015, Native Foods had its peak with 26 branches throughout the United States. Since then, the company has undergone…