
These three are producing cutting-edge solutions for the $600 billion dollar pharmaceuticals and medical tech markets

In a realm where commercial pressures frequently sideline ethics, a cohort of clinical experts has bravely chosen to go against the flow. United by a steadfast dedication to exemplary ethical principles, these forward-thinking individuals came together to establish Divergent, a pioneering startup dedicated to transforming the advancement of cutting-edge biopharmaceuticals and medical technologies.

Established in 2023 by Shawn Williams, Abiel Obanjo, and Dr. Elizabeth Jackson, Divergent CRO is a Black-owned and certified provider of clinical services for biotech and medical device firms. This pioneering venture, headquartered in Atlanta, transcends mere corporate identity, positioning itself as a collective conscience, a bastion of integrity, and a testament to the principle that ethical conduct is not merely an aspiration but a duty.

Combined, the pharmaceuticals and medical technologies markets in the United States is over $600 billion.

Divergent CRO goes beyond overseeing clinical trials; they tailor bespoke solutions, striving to make a difference by turning obstacles into successes in the quest for innovative healthcare breakthroughs. The team of specialists is committed to delivering outstanding outcomes and offering unparalleled service to clients.

Divergent CRO, driven by its commitment to innovation and excellence, is dedicated to expediting the advancement of transformative therapies through personalized and all-encompassing clinical services. By enhancing human health and well-being, it ensures the utmost satisfaction among clients and patients. With its guiding principle of “Today’s research is tomorrow’s solution,” Divergent CRO is leading the way in pioneering breakthroughs across various domains of clinical healthcare, such as vaccines, medical devices, and STEM research.

Vaccines – In their relentless pursuit of breakthroughs in vaccine research, they are dedicated to developing innovative solutions to address global health challenges.

Medical Device – By embracing state-of-the-art technologies, their medical device services ensure precision, regulatory compliance, and efficiency in the ever-changing healthcare landscape.

STEM Research – At the forefront of scientific exploration, their stem research endeavors strive to unlock the potential of regenerative medicine, paving the way for revolutionary advancements in healthcare.

Contract Research Organization (CRO)

With an unwavering commitment to revolutionizing the research and development process, Divergent recently unveiled its new Contract Research Organization (CRO) to offer comprehensive and customized services. These services encompass clinical trial management, regulatory affairs, data management, biostatistics, and medical writing, catering to the diverse needs of the biotech and device industries.

“We are thrilled to launch our new Contract Research Organization and partner with biotech and device companies to advance the development of life-changing therapies,” said Abiel Obanjo, partner and co-founder of the firm. “Our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results and providing the highest level of service to our clients. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we are confident that we can make a significant impact on the success of their clinical programs.”

Divergent is committed to upholding the utmost standards of quality and efficiency at every phase of the clinical trial process, thanks to the team of proficient experts. This team comprises seasoned clinical researchers, project managers, and regulatory specialists who are dedicated to ensuring excellence in their work.

“We understand the challenges faced by biotech and device companies and are committed to providing flexible and cost-effective solutions to meet their specific needs.”

“By leveraging our extensive expertise, we are dedicated to helping our clients accelerate the development of innovative biopharmaceuticals and medical devices.”

Divergent CRO boasts state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure to facilitate seamless implementation of clinical trials. With its sophisticated data management systems and secure facilities, it ensures the utmost confidentiality and integrity of study data. Additionally, its stringent quality assurance procedures ensure adherence to regulatory standards.

Oji Ben Ebuka

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