Gotham Hall, nestled in the heart of Broadway, New York City, transformed into a hub of celebration and excellence as the BlackStars Experience Gala honored 30 trailblazing Black industry leaders. This annual event, held on…
The BlackStars Experience 2024, hosted by PanaGenius, brought together leaders, innovators, and community members for a transformative event in New York City, celebrating Black achievement, diversity, and leadership across sectors. From inspiring panels to networking…
With over $2.2 billion in assets under management, GenNx360 Capital Partners is one of the nation’s largest Black-owned private equity firms. The New York based firm focuses on acquiring middle-market business services and industrial companies…
EatOkra recently launched its inaugural Culinary Creatives Conference, transitioning from a digital platform to an in-person gathering aimed at empowering Black food entrepreneurs. The event took place at the Metropolitan Pavilion in lower Manhattan, showcasing…
Gotham Hall, nestled in the heart of Broadway, New York City, transformed into a hub of celebration and excellence as the BlackStars Experience Gala honored 30 trailblazing Black industry leaders. This annual event, held on…
The BlackStars Experience 2024, hosted by PanaGenius, brought together leaders, innovators, and community members for a transformative event in New York City, celebrating Black achievement, diversity, and leadership across sectors. From inspiring panels to networking…
With over $2.2 billion in assets under management, GenNx360 Capital Partners is one of the nation’s largest Black-owned private equity firms. The New York based firm focuses on acquiring middle-market business services and industrial companies…
EatOkra recently launched its inaugural Culinary Creatives Conference, transitioning from a digital platform to an in-person gathering aimed at empowering Black food entrepreneurs. The event took place at the Metropolitan Pavilion in lower Manhattan, showcasing…
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